Monday, 3 May 2010

Wild Garlic

Wild garlic may be harvested from mid March to mid May.

It can be found in forests and fields. It`s got broad, dark green leaves and white flowers similar to the violet ones of chives. It announces itself through a punget odour of garlic, but if you are still not sure about whether to pick it, just tear off a bit of one leaf to smell and taste. Voila!

Last year, we made soup (recipe courtsey of organic box scheme), but we didn`t like it that much, so I`ve been browsing the net, combined two recipes found there and preserved the wild garlic in olive oil: simply wash and cut the leaves and blend with sufficient olive oil. I`ve added mustard and black pepper.

Excellent with smoked or graved lax, hard boiled eggs, cold beef and potatoes.